Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Children's Minstry Blog Contest

Edited to Add: The first contest on Kid Crossings has been extended to Monday October 19.  

To kickoff our Children's Ministry Blog properly we are having a contest.  In order to have this blog be a useful ministry tool it is necessary for people to read and comment so consider this contest your ice breaker!

It is simple to enter:  Simply leave a comment with your name, email and the answer to this question:

Who was influential in your own faith development and why?

The contest will be open until 9pm Sunday Oct 11 and a winner will be announced on Monday Oct 12.

And what do you win?

A set of Faith Talk with children cards from the Youth and Family Institute.  These cards are a great way to spark faith discussions with your children.  Use them on car trips or meals or family events.  They are a great way to open the door to a larger faith life with your children.

So welcome to the Children's Ministry Blog.  Thank you for entering and Thank those who helped shape your own faith.

* Please note: You do not have to be a member of St. Luke's to win.  Anyone reading this blog is encouraged to enter.


  1. One of the main people to influence my own faith development was Emilie. I came to the Catholic religion later in life after being raised in a Methodist church. When I made the decision to convert to Catholicism Emilie agreed to be my RCIA sponser. She was very strong in her faith and I really admired that. I learned so much from her while we attended classes. I don't know that I would have had the same experience without her. I will always remember sharing that part of my life with Emilie and I am grateful to her for that. I am fortunate to have been able to tell her that before she passed away.


  2. I have always gone to church. I was active in church choirs and youth group growing up. I had faith then. But when my daughter was born and more specifically when she was baptized, that is when my relationship with God truly began. Suddenly, I was moved, I felt the power of prayer. I understood how God loves us, unconditionally and without end because that is how I felt about my daughter. So somehow in bringing my children to God, I brought myself. My faith is stronger now than any other point in my life and the people who influenced that are my three beautiful children.


  3. First was my extended family on both sides. There was a consistency that made religious things seem normal. We always did table grace no matter if there were 2 or 200. Church attendance was always a priority even if there were guests.

    Second was Frieda. She was an older woman at one the congregations I belonged to as a child. Frieda would generously offer her time to stay over night with the 3 of us so that mom and dad could go to synod assembly or some other church event. I still to this day wonder how she did it.

  4. So many good answers to this question. Obviously there were pastors and Sunday school teachers. But there was a prof in college who did much to help me develop my faith - and it was not intentional. She taught our class how to be critical when looking at our faith. This killed faith for some students. But by spending time with my prof outside of class, she helped me see how it was possible to reconstruct faith in a new way. She gave me the lens through which I now do ministry.

  5. My grandma was probably the biggest influence in developing my faith. I still to this day vividly remember her trust and faith in God while my grandpa was dying. I was in middle school and it was a very dark place for me as it was the first time I had lost someone close to me. But her steadfast belief in salvation gave me a stronger assurance in things hoped for but not seen.

  6. The person who influenced me the most in my faith development is my mom. She raised us in an environment that was full of bible stories, faith based events, and encouraged us ask questions and explore. Church became our second home and was a strong social networking/support system to us. I too believe that there were many who added to my faith development, but if my mom hadn't given me the strong foundation, I wouldn't be who I am today.
